Eva Alewa Kauikalani Geueke practices the path of embodying the sacred through conscious movement and dance. She is fascinated by the mind-body-spirit connection. Eva`s vision for those who seek her knowledge is to learn to walk lovingly, with dignity and balance through life. She aims to teach how to express one`s spirit effortlessly and joyously through movement. Learning awareness of the body and self will translate into Awareness of others and the surroundings and the virtues of peacefulness, self-love, compassion, gentleness, and non-violence.

Her desire to heal her soul by finding a way to express herself creatively and nonverbally led her to become a professional dancer (Rotterdam’s Dansacademie, Holland; Cunningham Studio, NYC, Trisha Brown Co, Stephen Petronio).

In 1987 she completed her Professional Feldenkrais Training, which changed her understanding of Self, Body, Movement, and Dance forever.


Eva has taught the Feldenkrais Method® internationally for 35 years in private sessions, 5-day seminars, hundreds of weekend workshops, and evening classes. She teaches grown-ups, children, and youth in classes and in private sessions called Functional Integration®. the private sessions are mostly hands-on; clients stay fully dressed and usually lay down on a table. They are guided by touch to reconnect the dots to healthy, pain-free, and effortless movement and thinking.  


She is a Choreographer who created evening-length dance pieces, often with the theme of raising consciousness about the sacredness of Mother Earth.

Eva has been a certified Qigong teacher of the Universal Tao teachings of Mantak Chia since 2000. She also taught Authentic Movement, Contact Improvisation (lots of it), Yoga, Capoeira, and Hula. 

Eva has been a student of Hula since the time she moved to Hawaii in 2001.


She developed RSS ( Release, Stretch Strengthen) during the Pandemic: an excellent mesh of Feldenkrais with Dance and Release Technique Elements. Core Strength, leg power, Facia massage, and relaxation.

Eva loves teaching WaveContinuum, a spin of Continuum Movement, as a way to connect with the inner wisdom and all life deeply. WaCo does renew the cells and enhances youthfulness.


She is the director and founder of EWAhine, an empowerment training for women. 

Eva loves to teach and share her knowledge and enthusiasm for conscious movement with people from all walks of life. 


Eva has been blessed with many wonderful teachers and friends, to name a few:

Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, Mantak Chia and associates Gabriele Krebbers and Renu Li, Hawk Little John (Cherokee), her mentor Ellsworth Chytka (Yankton Sioux), her Hawaiian sister (Tita) Jetsuma Sage Perros, sister Robin Youngblood (Okanagan/Cherokee), Kumu Hula Malia Helela, Byron Katie-the Work and many many more. 


Eva is a sun dancer (Lakota/Dakota ceremony) and a ceremonialist.


'Movement is life, life is a process. Improve the quality of the process and you improve the quality of life itself.'

'Nothing is permanent about our behavior patterns except our belief that they are so'. 


'What I’m after isn’t flexible bodies, but flexible minds and to restore each person to their human dignity.'

 Dr. Feldenkrais