Walking like a Massai

Feet-Knees-Hip Joints in Alignment with the Spine and the Neck


Fall 24 Sept Workshop series Hybrid:

in person and live online. see below


You can buy 1 or all 3 workshops,

Early Bird 10 % off for all 3 expires on July 15.


1 workshop online 5% off, 2 Workshops 8% off.


These times are correct( not on the poster)!:

Sunday  9/15  Easy Neck, Pelvic Floor & Pelvis 2:30 - 5:30pm   


Thursday 9/19 Hip Joints, Feet and Pelvis 12:30 - 3:15 pm


Sunday  9/22 Posture in Action

2:30 - 5:30pm



Intensive: if you want to join the online classes during the week to make it an Intensive, you can add Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday class for $30.

You can purchase all recordings of the workshops for $30 or $14 apiece.  


Functional neck and carriage of the head 

if the head is aligned well, our sense organs can function better and lead our spine and decisions in the best way possible.


3-D functional pelvis- the pelvis has 2 sides consistent of many bones. There are beautiful relationships to be explored between the hip joints, sacrum, pubic bone and the femur, between the psoas, stomach and back muscles as well as the glutes. Let's add the pelvic floor to our exploration and have the pelvic be the powerhouse that gives us grounding, health, life, potency and pleasure.


A healthy functional  walk is an elegant walk

Here we explore how walking consists of an intriguing spiral pattern and a lot of circular action within it.

As humans we carry our center of gravity much higher than any animal. That gives us a lot of advantages, when we know how to use and stabilize it dynamically.   


scroll down for the shopping cart


shopping cart: Fall Sept Series

Cart: Fall 24 Sept Workshop series Hybrid: in person and live online. see below

you can buy 1 or all 3 workshops, Early Bird of 10% off for all 3 workshopes also online expires on July 15.

For online participation of one workshop 5% off, for 2 workshops 8% off


Sunday     9/15  Easy Neck & Pelvic Floor   

Thursday 9/19 Hip joints, Feet and Pelvis

Sunday     9/22 Posture in Action  

Intensive: if you want to join the online classes during the week to make it an Intensive you can add Tuesday, Friday and Saturday class for $30.


You can purchase all recordings of the workshops for $34 or for $14 a piece, it will take 4 days until they are ready.

For audio recordings $ 18 for all.




  • Available
  • Ships within 1-3 days

'Movement is life, life is a process. Improve the quality of the process and you improve the quality of life itself.'

'Nothing is permanent about our behavior patterns except our belief that they are so'. 


'What I’m after isn’t flexible bodies, but flexible minds and to restore each person to their human dignity.'

 Dr. Feldenkrais